Looking to Expand – Indie Book Network is making it easy!

As many of you may have seen, the Indie Book Network has been featuring authors, signings and design businesses over the last few months. For the first time since their conception, they are offering a discount to the indie community. 

25% off any and all of their services!! CHECK OUT THE PRICES!! 

Yeah, I had to fight for this one. Maybe a little whining was involved, but I got my way! For the record, this never happens so take advantage of it while you can!!!

It is easy!! Visit the website shop here.

Choose your services and pay! Easy!

Don’t forget the coupon code! SummerSale

You are contacted by an admin to collect the necessary info for the service you are purchasing.

Want to be added to the author database? The Indie Book Network does all of the work for you! With the coupon code, the price is ONLY $7.50!

How about  ad space? Yeah, a banner on the front page of the site screaming your name and the books you worked your hard to publish? They even customize a banner on your behalf at no additional charge. You are welcome to provide your own hi res pic, but that is up to you!

Are you a blogger or a marketing professional looking for a place to promote your services? Here ya go! Click Here!

I, personally, am loaded in to their author database and have been successful in the  marketing campaign they offer. With the extra boost through twitter and Facebook, my work has been seen through more than just my own campaign. The prices are unheard of. For example –  I will not be charged to add books as I release them! How cool is that? Besides the marketing boost, it is half the price I would pay a company that delivers minimal results in a daily span. You are not charged for adding books – but you are marketed through Twitter and Facebook once they are added! It is like free advertising every time you add a title! They even share one of your titles in groups that you wont have to pimp in – sounds relaxing, doesn’t it? 

Here is the catch… YOU ONLY HAVE UNTIL AUGUST 19th to sign up! After that, the prices go back to retail.

Ok, this is getting lengthy and I have told you all the cool stuff to do there! Enjoy!!

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